Saturday, August 26, 2006

i have decided something. to be happy and no matter what happens, THINK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. the grass is always greener on the other side :D

happiness is the key to enjoying your life. these few days bad mood cause what happened. now its kinda solved and i had a talk with my dad loh. yuppp he should be going. and so now im a happy person and from today onwards till forever, i will stay happy!

the bad side is he won't be with us. but! the happy side is he can help people. yay! i am damn proud of my dad.

3 more days to holiday, 3-4 more weeks to exam {i think?}, 6 more weeks to end-of-year holiday. i'm starting to miss my class already. maybe next year most of us will still be together? i duno. it depends on how we do and what subject we take. i hope my P6, Sec 1 & 2 classes will somehow combine and have abit of each class. it would be damn fun then.

i haven't been studying much. so i have decided to bring my books home for the holiday and i'm gonna mug until i die. nobody can change my mind! yeahh!


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